Kiriakos Naiskes

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Hello and welcome to my blog.

I’m Kiriakos Naiskes, a developer based in Greece. Here, I share my programming, GNU/Linux, and GNU/Emacs notes and experiences.

Recent Posts

(2024-08-16) Dynamic SQL Queries

Recently, I discovered an easy and quick method for creating dynamic SQL queries. This method has been useful in both working with SQL queries in PSQL and in programming logic.

(2024-07-06) My Most Commonly Used SSH Configurations and Their Uses

A quick overview of my most frequently used SSH configurations and their uses.

Hello and welcome to my blog.

I’m Kiriakos Naiskes, a developer based in Greece. Here, I share my programming, GNU/Linux, and GNU/Emacs notes and experiences.

Post Archive

Emacs 27.1 (Org mode 9.3)